Archive for category: News Release

Pineville Electric & Telephone has a new Drop Box!

Pineville Communications & Electric Customers: We are happy to announce that our payment dropbox is now installed at the back of our 505 Main Street location. The payment drop box has been installed near the library book return. Please…

Power Purchase Agreement  

Ordinance 2023-02 Power Purchase

Ordinance 2023 02 Signed Janelle Lyons PPA Ltr PPA 2023

Lynnwood Lakeview Paving

Lynnwood Lakeview Paving Activities Notification Letter

Community Informational Meeting

Notice To Interested Parties Rezoning Petition Map Of 404 Main Rezoning Town Of Pineville Conditional Zoning Plan

McCullough Greenway Notice to Bidders

McCullough Greenway Notice To Bidders

Main Street Road Construction

The outbound right lane of Main Street between Dover Street and Oakley Avenue will be closed starting Monday, July 31, 2023, and will need to remain closed until Friday, August 4, 2023, while a water line connection is being constructed.…

Notice of Bids for Underground & Directional Boring Services

Sealed bids are being sought by ElectriCities of NC, Inc. on behalf of the Town of Pineville, NC (hereinafter referred to as “Owner”) for the furnishing of Underground and Directional Boring Services including labor and equipment for construction…

Coventry Project Notice

Coventry Project Notice And Instructions To Bidders