
Pineville, NC Government

PLEASE NOTE: If you would like to speak remotely during Public Comments, please sign up by 5pm on Monday, the day before the Council Meeting.

Meet Our Mayor

Mayor David Phillips

315 Lynnwood Ln.
Pineville, NC 28134

(c) 704-495-4496
[email protected]

Meet Our Town Council

Chris McDonough
Council Member

221 Pineville Forest Drive
Pineville, NC 28134

[email protected]

Ed Samaha
Mayor Pro Tem

15512 Country Lake Dr.
Pineville, NC 28134

[email protected]

Town Council Amelia Stinson Wesley

Amelia Stinson-Wesley
Council Member

205 Emmett Drive
Pineville, NC 28134

[email protected]

Danielle Moore
Council Member

11726 Stockdale Ct.
Pineville, NC 28134

[email protected]

Town Boards

Planning Board

The Planning Board advises the Mayor and Town Council on zoning and land use decisions in the town and generally meets when needed. Meetings are held at the Pineville Town Hall at 505 Main Street, Pineville.  Meetings are open to the public.

Planning Board Members  & their email addresses:

Jim Knowles  ([email protected])
Thomas White ([email protected])
Eric Fransen ([email protected])
Roshan Bhula ([email protected])
Dusty Gilvin ([email protected])

Brandi Wyant (alternate only to the Planning Board)  ([email protected])

The Planning Board consists of five members, all of whom shall be residents of the Town. Members are appointed for designated terms by the Mayor and Town Council.

Planning Board Minutes:

Planning Bd Minutes 110322

Planning Bd Minutes 092023

Board of Adjustment

The Board of Adjustment hears zoning appeals and requests for variances from the zoning ordinance. Board of Adjustment meetings are generally held the fourth Thursday of the month at the Pineville Town Hall at 505 Main Street, Pineville.  Meetings are open to the public.

Board of Adjustment Members & their email addresses:
Jim Knowles  ([email protected])
Justin Musick  ([email protected])
Thomas White  ([email protected])
Michelle Shail ([email protected])

** There is an opening for a Board of Adjustment member as of 4/30/24.

** Currently there are no alternates, but two are needed.

The Board of Adjustment consists of five regular members and two alternates, all of whom shall be residents of the Town. Members of this board are also appointed for designated terms by the Mayor and Town Council.

Board Openings

Apply for a Board Seat

If you have an interest in serving on either of these boards, please click on the link below to fill out the Application for Board Appointments and return to:

Drop Off:
Town Clerk
Town Hall
505 Main Street
Pineville, NC 28134

Town Clerk
Town Hall
PO BOX 249
Pineville, NC 28134