Camp Pineville

Camp Pineville


Pineville Parks and Recreation will offer an nine week Summer Camp (June 16 – August 15) for rising 1st graders thru 12 year old. Camp Pineville opens each morning at 7:30 a.m. and remains open until 4:30 p.m. After camp care is available from 4:30pm – 6:00 p.m., for an additional fee.

In the 2025 season, Camp Pineville will be divided by age into groups. Regular activities include sports, arts and crafts, games, and field trips, in a safe, positive environment. Through regular activities and weekly field trips we insure a summer of diverse and interesting experiences for your child.  Our goal at Camp Pineville is to develop good character traits among campers, such as; caring, honesty, responsibility and respect. Campers and counselors work together to promote these values throughout camp with special reinforcements that will award each child for their achievements. PLEASE NOTE THAT CAMP PINEVILLE IS NOT A PEANUT FREE CAMP.

A separate 2025 registration must be COMPLETELY filled out for each child.

Please review carefully!

Our focus at summer camp is to provide a quality, convenient and creative experience that is safe. We also encourage campers to demonstrate character traits that include Caring, Honesty, Respect, and Responsibility. By offering age appropriate activities and opportunities we hope to enhance each campers, physical, social, intellectual and emotional growth.

Our goals at summer camp are to provide a positive growth experience, recognizing each individual child’s needs and abilities; and to provide activities and experiences that develop positive self-esteem and fun.

Campers will be supervised by qualified individuals who have been interviewed and have prior experience in working with children in schools, camps and who are familiar with our focus and goals.

Due to hot weather and camper’s different eating habits, we will have snack opportunities in the morning and afternoon. If your camper wants a morning snack you must provide one. Afternoon snacks will be provided by Camp Pineville. NOTE: CAMP PINEVILLE IS NOT A PEANUT FREE ENVIRONMENT.

Releasing Campers – Designation of individuals authorized to pick-up your child must be on campers registration form. ONLY THOSE INDIVIDUALS LISTED ON THE REGISTRATION FORM ARE AUTHORIZED TO PICK UP YOUR CHILD – UNLESS YOU NOTIFY CAMP REGISTRARS.

Pineville campers who will be walking home after camp ends at 4:30 p.m. must have written permission.

LATE PICK-UP – In fairness to our staff, it is very important that your child be picked up on time. A late fee will be charged for each child not picked up by 4:30 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. for those staying for after camp care. The fee will be assessed at a rate of $5.00 per 15 minutes. Please call the camp office if you know you will be late, so we can make arrangements.

ARRIVING EARLY – Camp begins with supervision at 7:30 a.m. Camper’s MAY NOT be dropped off at camp prior to 7:30 a.m. This allows the camp staff to properly prepare for the day without interruption from camper’s arriving early. Camp staff will be ready to greet your camper promptly at 7:30 a.m. Please do not let your camper out of the car until a Summer Camp Staff member greets you.

DROP – OFF AND PICK – UP – We encourage all parents to drop-off and pick-up at the front entrance of the Community Center, this makes a safe environment for all campers. Camp staff will greet campers each morning from 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. and assist them getting out of the car. Camp staff will also assist campers getting into the car in the afternoon from 4:15 – 4:30 p.m.

2025 Registration

Pineville Residents Only: Registration starts February 3rd, 2025

Registration for Non-Residents who attended camp last year starts February 17th, 2025

Registration for all Non-Residents will start March 3rd, 2025


$110/residents and $130/non-residents per week
(cost include: 1 field trip (unknown at this time), 5 afternoon snacks, and 1 lunch each week)

After-camp care: $15 residents, $20 non-residents

For more information please call 704.889.2400. Click the button above for online registration.

Parents & Campers Responsibility

Parent Responsibilities

Please feel free to give us your comments, input and ideas on how to make our summer camp better. This will allow us to make the necessary changes in the program and to recognize staff members that are providing outstanding service to your children.

You are always welcome to visit camp. We also encourage you to talk with our staff about the program and any needs or special successes your child is experiencing.

Children’s actions at camp often reflect problems they are experiencing at home (i.e. pet’s death, parents divorcing, fight with sibling, etc.). If any such disruptive experience should occur, please inform the Director or counselor. This will enable us to better meet the needs of your child.

Lost Articles

Label Everything!! This will minimize the opportunity for your child to lose an item at camp. We do provide lost and found at the Front Desk. At the end of camp all items unclaimed will be donated to charity. We are not financially responsible for children’s losses, but we will make every effort to locate the lost item. PLEASE CLEARLY LABEL ALL ITEMS.


The goal of the summer camps is for each child to have fun in a safe and positive environment while developing a sense of respect for others. The staff use positive methods of discipline that encourage self-control, self-esteem, and cooperation. We work with all campers to ensure a safe and enriching atmosphere. To achieve this, each camp has camp rules that need to be followed in order to maintain such an environment.

In instances where a child is having difficulties that could cause harm to self or others, we will, as much as the situation allows, remove that child from the group and resolve the difficulties in private. Safety of the child, of other campers, staff and public is our main concern. Our aim is to encourage self-control. Parents will be called to pick up their child if he/she is unable to regain control. If a child’s behavior is such that we must contact his or her parents regularly or the camper’s behavior becomes an issue of safety, we reserve the right to suspend and/or dismiss any child who is unable to conform to the rules and guidelines of the program.

Repeated violation of rules may lead to the following consequences:

Strike 1 – Verbal warning/time out (time to calm down away from the group)

Strike 2 – Note home/silent lunch or loss of activity

Strike 3 – Note home/call parent or guardian/loss of field trip/silent lunch

Strike 4 – Strike 3 plus conference with counselor, director and parent

Strike 5 – Strike 4 plus expelled for the remainder of the week. No refund.

Strike 6 – Expelled from camp for the remainder of the summer. Refund only the remaining full weeks of camp you have paid for, minus 25%.

Fees & Policies

2025 Camp Fees

Rates are determined by the CAMPER’S residential status. Proof of residence is required. Camp fees include; 1 field trip (unknown at this time), 5 afternoon snacks and 1 lunch per week. Weekly calendars will inform you of which day of the week field trips and lunch occur.  Morning snacks are not provided by Camp Pineville. 

Resident Rates 

Child – $110.00
Aftercare – $15.00


Child – $130.00
Aftercare – $20.00

All fees must be paid in full before a camper can attend camp, WE ACCEPT CASH, CHECK OR CREDIT CARD (VISA, MASTER CARD, AMEX, DISCOVER).

Full payment is required when you register online.

Transfers, Additions and Cancellations:

Notification for any transfers, additions or cancellations must be made in writing and given to the director and will be maintained on a space-available basis. Transfers, additions and cancellation cannot be taken by phone. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN AFTER MAY 30, 2025 – NO EXCEPTIONS. A 10% administrative fee will be deducted from all refunds.


Please review carefully!

A separate 2025 registration must be COMPLETELY filled out for each child.

All fees must be paid in full when you register online. All changes must be made before by May 30, 2025. No refunds after May 30, 2025.

In order to REGISTER and attend camp each applicant must provide the following:

  • Complete registration online.
  • Fees paid in full when you register online. Fees are transferable, provided there is available space. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN AFTER MAY 30, 2025. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Registration is completed on a first-come basis. Priority is given to Pineville residents on February 3, 2025. Non-resident who attended camp in 2024 may register on February 17, 2025. All others may register on March 3, 2025.

Attire & Belongings

What to Bring to Camp:

  • Lunch, drinks, and a snack packed in a cooler.
  • Water bottle
  • Sun screen

What NOT to Bring to Camp:

  • Money
  • Any Valuables
  • Skateboards, Scooter’s, Phones, ipods, ipads, Gameboy’s, etc.
  • We’ll have a lot of fun without them!!

What to Wear to Camp:

We want our campers to dress appropriately and be comfortable for camp. Our suggestions for dress are:

  • Shorts
  • T-shirts
  • Socks
  • Sneakers
  • Hat
  • Camp T-shirt should be worn on field trips

What NOT to Wear to Camp:

  • SANDALS of any type
  • Items that promote tobacco, alcohol, wrestling, vulgar slogans, or innuendoes
  • Dangle jewelry

Shorts, skirts, and dresses should be no shorter than 4 inches above the knee all the way around the camper.

Emergency & Medical

Medication Policy

If medication must be administered you should:

  • Bring medication directly to the Director on the Monday morning of the week.
  • Fill out a Medication Authorization Form.


In case of emergency, every effort will be made to reach you or the contacts listed on your information sheet. If no one can be reached we will take the necessary actions for the health of your child. Should there be any changes in the emergency contact phone numbers, please notify us immediately. A personal vehicle is available to transport any injured person to the emergency room of the closest hospital. Carolinas HealthCare – Pineville will be used for Pineville’s Summer Camp.


This is a notification of some sort.
